The World of Mekonnen Epic:
Back Stories and Legends
The Legend of Angabo the Sabaean
Queen of Sheba's Father (1500-1000 BC)
As it was recorded, a great Zendow—a Snake-Dragon—ruled the land of Abyssinia in tyranny between Aksum and Temben, and demanded a regular sacrifice of a young virgin in exchange for a season of peace and security. Angabo, who was probably a Prince in his homeland, sailed across the Red Sea from Sabaea and after settling in Aksum for a while, he heard the outcry of the people who were terrorized by the wicked Waynaba and wished to be free from bondage and fear. Angabo harkened to the out¬cry and attempted to rid the land of the evil dragon.
At a time when another maiden was due to be sacrificed, Angabo mixes a special poison, feeds it to a goat, then feeds the goat to Waynaba, who in turn eats it and dies as the poison worked its way into his bowels.
The people rejoiced when news spread abroad that the Sabaean killed Waynaba the Snake Dragon and they rewarded him by making him King of Habeshat and give him the young maiden whom he rescued to become his wife. It is said that either his daughter or one of his descen¬dants from this marriage, was Makeda, who became the legendary Queen of Sheba that traveled three thousand miles to meet King Solomon of the Kindgom of Israel.
Sources list the names and reign of five of Queen Makeda’s ancestors as follows:
Kawnasya (1 year) > Siebado (50 years) > Giebur (100 years) > Angabo 200 years) > Makeda (? years) > Menelik (? years).
Note: > = begat.
Kebra Negast; trans. E.A. Wallis Budge; Introduction page xliii.
Aksum: An African Civilization of Late Antiquity, by Stuart Munro-Hay
Biblical Archaeology Society Online Archive Search:
The Queen of Sheba, King Solomon, and their son Menelik
The ancestors of the Kings of Aksum (c. 960-930 BC)
The events surrounding the well-known legend of the Nigist Saba/Sheba, Negus Solomon and their son Menelik is probably one of the greatest mysteries in the world. As it involves the perceived disappearance and final resting place of the Holy Ark of the Covenant has stirred up even greater mystery and intrigue for all realms in the universe.
Eventually, Azaryas, the son of Zadok, the High Priest, conspired a successful heist to switch the real Ark with the duplicate and take it to Abyssinia with the caravan. Menelik was unaware of the conspiracy and switch, and by the time he and his mother Makeda found out, it was too late and already on their land. They came to the conclusion that if Egziabeher (The Almighty God) allowed the removal of the Ark to happen, then it must be his will to have the Glory of Tsiyon (Zion) to move from Eyerusalem to Aksum.
Some skeptics say this story is a myth and never happened; others say the Ark was taken to Abyssinia at a later period in a different way. Either way, there are lots of evidence to indicate that the Ark (or a copy) did make its way up the Nile River from Elephantine Island to Lake Tana and finally to Aksum. Only Egziabeher knows the truth.
1 Kings 10: 1-13; 2 Chronicle 9:1-12; Kebra Negast; trans. E.A. Wallis Budge.
Qeddus Yared Diaqon
Musical genius of the Aksumite Empire (c. 525 to 565 AD)
As it has been recorded, when Yared was a young boy he had difficulty memorizing the Dawit Muzmur- the Psalms of David- under the tutelage of Za-Mikael Aragari, one of the Tzadkan. One evening while young Yared sat under a tree sulking about his failures, he noticed a caterpillar struggling to climb the tree, falling back a few times, but it still tried each time again. Eventually, the catepillar did reach the top of the tree, and Yared saw this as a sign from Egziabeher Amlak (Egzio) to never give up. Young Yared became encouraged to return to his tutors, and miraculously he was able to memorize the Psalms in a short space of time. The boy then grew to be a well-accomplished musician of several instruments and a singer with a beautiful voice that captivated all that heard it.
There is a story concerning Qeddus Yared about an occasion when Negus Gebre Meskel summoned Yared and his musicians to the royal court to minister in music. The Negus was so captivated by Yared’s voice as he sang that he did not realize that he had pierced Yared’s foot with the end of his royal spear. At the same time, Qeddus Yared was so enraptured while singing the songs that he did not even feel the Negus’ spear pierced his foot and continued singing until the end when they both realized what had happened, the Negus hastily pulls out the spear and only then Yared’s foot started bleeding. Of course, eventually Yared’s foot was healed, and all was well.
In his collection of hymns, Mezgeba Degwa, Qeddus Yared stated that he learned the music from Egzio himself, influenced by His Qeddus Manfes, the Holy Spirit.
Henok the Prophet
Antedelugian Prophet that walked with Egziabeher (c. 5000 BC)
As written in the oracles that bare his name, Henok was the first prophet to write of the coming of the Elect One of Egziabeher, the holy Meshiach, which is Iyesus Krestos, the one who shall come to Earth in the last days with his Yasemay Mel’akt –His Heavenly Host of Angels and Saints– to execute judgement on the wicked and purge the Earth with fire.
As confirmed in the short oracle of Yihuda (Jude 14-15), Henok wrote, “Behold the Lord comes with ten thousand of his saints, to execute judgement upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him.” - (Enoch 1:9).
The oracles of Henok tells of many accounts of awesome visions and heav¬enly journeys the prophet experienced while in the presence of Egzio, including trips to Semayat where he saw magnificent mountains of precious stones, the Tree of Life, pillars of fire, the seven Liq Mel’akt (Arch Angels) of antiquity and even the dark abyss and fires of punishment.
It was during the days of his father Yared that about 200 Mel’akt –later called The Watchers– led by Shemihazah broke the commands of Egzio by leaving Semayat to have malevolent offspring with women of Earth and teach mankind evil deeds. It was Henok that first testified against the Watchers and prophesied that their offspring must be destroyed, the Watchers must be imprisoned in the abyss until judgement day and that Egzio will destroy the world with a deluge of water, saving only his grandson Noah and his family with the animals in the great Ark.
According to the Book of Yashar, Henok was made a King among the people of Earth and reigned in wisdom and righteousness, teaching the holy and Upright Way to those that will listen. Because he walked so close in the presence of Egziabeher his face and body glowed with brightness and the people were reverent and convicted of their trespasses in his presence. When it was time for him to be taken up “Henoch ascended into Semayat in a whirlwind, with horses and chariots of fire.” in the presence of many witnesses. - (Jasher 3:1-38)
Genesis 5:21-23; The Book of Enoch by Nickelsburg;
Jasher (1840); Jubilees; Jude 14-15
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The Ark on the Covenant By Jerome Matiyas, copyright 2013 |